Irving Green
Loving husband, father, and grandfather, died May 21, 2007 at age 86. Predeceased by son Gary and daughter Jill. Irving is survived by his wife Janet, son Mark, daughter-in-law Debra, and grandson, Sam. Irv and Jan shared a happy marriage for over 64 years.
Irv will be remembered by his family and many friends for his openness to new ideas, dry sense of humor, and bravery in coping with Parkinson’s disease. His lifelong passion for business and ethics helped build the Century Plastics partnership into the success it is today. Most of all, Irv will be remembered for his steadfast generosity of spirit, thoughtfulness, and consideration toward everyone he met throughout his life.
Funeral services were held Friday , May 25, 2007. In lieu of flowers, the family wishes contributions be made to: Parkinsons Resource Organization:
Remembering Irving Green
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