Barbara Sue (Kaplan) Mallut
Barbara’s long journey with Parkinson’s came to an end on August 12th, 2007. Many people in the PRO world came to know and love her as a supportive, thoughtful, caring ear and voice for those suffering with Parkinson’s. Her postings on the Internet can be followed as far back as 1995 and back to the BBS days before the takeoff of the Internet. Her regularly scheduled dinners and volunteer work at the Encino Hospital, in support of this disease, gave hope and a sense of normalcy for those living with Parkinson’s. Through her involvement, she could see her future and met it with dignity and humor.
Supporting people with Parkinson’s was a big part of life from her mid 40’s, but before that she was known for being the creative and talented mother to daughters, Sandra and Jamie, and loving sister to Margie. She was an amazing artist, landscape designer, avid book reader, and cat lover.
Our prayers go out to her and that she is finally at peace. Her four-year-old grandson, Ryan, hopes she enjoys heaven and gets to see G-D.
A memorial will be planned in the near future. To be contacted, please send an Email to memoryofbarbaramallut@yahoo.com.
In lieu of flowers, please send donations to www.parkinsonsresource.org to the Barbara Mallut Memorial Fund.
Remembering Barbara Sue (Kaplan) Mallut
Use the form below to make your memorial contribution. PRO will send a handwritten card to the family with your tribute or message included. The information you provide enables us to apply your remembrance gift exactly as you wish.