Morris M. Berzon
Morris M. Berzon, 79 years old, was born in Akron, Ohio, April 1, 1934, and died January 30, 2014, from complications of Parkinson’s Disease.
Morrie never met a stranger or forgot a golf course he played. A lifelong Akronite, he graduated from Buchtel High School in 1951, attended Ohio State University, and graduated from Kent State in 1955.
Predeceased by his beloved daughter, Susan, on October 31, 2009. Survived by his wife, Myrna, the light of his life; son, David, and daughter-in-law Martha Berzon; adored grandchildren, Adam, Rachel and Matthew Berzon.
In passing, Morrie wanted to thank his dear friend, Bernard Leff, for his devotion and companionship. The family also wishes to thank all of his loyal caregivers, Charles Handel, Melanie (“Pinky”) Boone, Cynthia Randall, Steve Vukich and Rowland Sanders.
Funeral services were held on Sunday, Feb. 2, 2014, at the Rosehill Cemetary, in Akron (Fairlawn) Ohio — graveside service only. The family received friends at the residence of Myrna Berzon.
Remembering Morris M. Berzon
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