The Memorial Wall

Diane (Cottrell) Tompkins

Diane (Cottrell) Tompkins

January 16, 1937 - January 2, 2020

Diane, the eldest child of Cosby and Florence Cottrell, was born in Los Angeles, California. Diane and her younger brother Mel grew up on the Cottrell Avocado and Christmas Ranch located in La Puente, California. As children, they enjoyed riding horses, tending fruit trees and living a country lifestyle. Diane's father, Crosby M. Cottrell, was an Executive for Fairchild Aerial Surveys and her mother, Florence Elizabeth, was a full time wife, mother and managed the day-to-day operations of the ranch.


After graduating from the University of Redlands, she met her future husband, Don Tomkins, a star of the Occidental College football team. They married in 1961 and started their life together in an apartment in Rosemead, before moving to their dream home on the 9th hole of the Glendora Country Club. They both enjoyed golf and socializing at the Club.


Diane and Don also shared a passion for hunting and fishing and ventured to the farthest reaches of Africa, the Arctic tip of Alaska, and everywhere in between! They were active members in the LA chapter of Safari Club International, an organization dedicated to protecting the freedom to hunt while promoting wildlife conservation worldwide. They especially loved their trips to the 'Save Conservancy', an 800,000 acre privately owned wildlife preserve, founded by Roger Whittall in Humani, Zimbabwe.


When they weren't traveling, Diane pursued her passion for teaching children (grades 2-4), a career she enjoyed for over 40 years! With Del Docterman, also a Coolidge 4th grade teacher, they developed a teaching strategy that allowed each teacher "to teach to their strengths". After retiring, Diane returned for many years to teach Art Classes, especially "Van Gogh Sunflowers". Her Students loved her!


Diane loved holidays and was an avid collector of decorations of all sorts, especially Annalee's. She delighted in whimsical displays and looked forward to opportunities to share with others. Diane was a dedicated member of the Glenkirk Church in Glendora and could always be counted on to create special decor for church luncheons.


Diane was an Educator, a collector and a worldwide traveler. She had lots of friends, but her longest and closest friend was Josette Temple who she met in the 2nd Grade. In their retirement they enjoyed outings to the Performing Arts Centre at Citrus College and rarely missed a show!


In 2005, DIane lost Don. It was an especially difficult time for Diane, because she was in the early stages of Parkinson's Disease. Her brother Mel and sister-in-law Jan lived nearby and played a big role in her ability to maintain her independence for as long as possible. THey continued to look out for her for the rest of her life.


In 2016, it became impossible for Diane to continue to live independently, so she moved to Atria Senior Living in San Dimas where she was able to enjoy socializing in a safer environment. As the disease progressed and Diane needed full time care, she moved to La Posada in San Dimas in November 2018. She lived there until she passed away peacefully on January 2, 2020.


Diane was kind and generous, worked hard and believed in helping others. She was fortunate to marry her soul-mate, and together they were able to see and experience places and things that most people only dream about. She now rests in peace, leaving all of us with the memories we have of her and her life, a life well-lived.

Remembering Diane (Cottrell) Tompkins

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Sharon Riff Ackerman

Sharon Riff Ackerman

September 28, 1950 - January 1, 2020

Sharon Riff Ackerman, age 69, passed away peacefully on January 1, 2020, surrounded by the love of her family after bravely battling Parkinson’s Disease for 15 years.

She was born September 28, 1950, in Brooklyn, New York to Pauline and George Riff. She had two children with her former spouse Dr. Paul L. Ackerman.

Sharon graduated from Brooklyn College with her Master’s Degree in Education. She was a teacher for several years. She primarily dedicated her time to raising her sons.

Sharon moved to South Florida to be with her Mother Pauline and Sister Ellen.

 She led a life of care and positive spirit to anyone who she met. Her life revolved around her family and friends. She loved spending time with her sons. Every weekend she visited her son’s house for dinner and enjoyed watching her grandchildren play and grow.

Sharon loved her grandchildren and often brought them bubbles, coloring books, and educational toys every week. She was a mentor to her daughter-in-law. She was most proud of her children’s accomplishments.

Sharon in peace will join her Mother and Father, Pauline and George Riff.

Sharon is survived by her loving son George and his wife Grether, loving son Andrew, sister Ellen, and spouse Debbie, and their son Adam and his wife Stacey; dear friend Judy, Cousin Susan and her husband Russ, as well as cousins, Erica, Gale, and Matthew; her in-laws Joaquina and Elizabeth; plus her 3 loving grandchildren Brooke, Joshua, and Eli, as well as her great-niece Peri. All of these she touched deeply.

Remembering Sharon Riff Ackerman

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Richard Kohn

Richard Kohn

- December 30, 2019

Richard "Dick" Kohn, age 89, passed away on December 30, 2019. Preceded in death by his parents, George and Olga Kohn; brother, Ervin (Gertrude) Kohn and son, Randall Kohn. He is survived by his wife, Roberta Kohn; daughter, Robyn (Bob) Canvasser, daughter-in-law, Reesa Kohn; grandchildren, Jack and Ben Canvasser and Joshua, Jordyn and Ryan Kohn; brother-in-law, Matthew (Roz Travis) Koch; many nieces, nephews, cousins and friends.

A special thanks to all of Richard's devoted caregivers especially Sherry Bowman and Willie Ross. Richard was a graduate of The Ohio State University and the OSU Law School.

He was a member of Columbus and the Ohio State Bar Associations, past President of the Tau Epsilon Rho Legal Fraternity and a lifetime member of B'nai Brith and Jewish War Veterans.

He was a lifetime member and past President of Beth Jacob Congregation, past Vice President of Columbus Torah Academy and served on the boards of Wexner Heritage Village and Jewish Columbus. He was the recipient of the Shofar Award and the Parness Award from Beth Jacob.

Remembering Richard Kohn

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Federico Torres Fernandez

Federico Torres Fernandez

March 2, 1935 - December 22, 2019

Federico Torres Fernández, 84, of Palm Desert and México died in Palm Desert, CA on December 22, 2019. Federico was born to Benita Torres and Gregorio Fernández in El Centro (San Juan), Jerez, Zacatecas, México on March 2, 1935, although his official birthday is listed as April 8, 1935. Federico was proud of working as a "palmero" in the Coachella Valley for over 50 years - very hard but honest work that allowed him to support and sustain his family. He was a hard-working and proud Mexican immigrant to this country who dedicated his life to respectfully helping every person with whom he interacted. He treasured his family and instilled in them his incredible work ethic and love for education. One of his favorite childhood memories was placing first in an area-wide school competition in 4th grade; his greatest regret was being too poor to continue his schooling. In his final days, he expressed joy in knowing that all his children graduated from college, and felt pride that these included some of the most prestigious universities in the world, including U.C. Berkeley, UCLA, Stanford, and Harvard. Most of all, however, he was content that his sons and daughters were all happy and successful. These last five years he endured with silent strength and grace the ravages of Parkinson's. With the daily assistance and loving care of his wife, five children, and his on-call son-in-law (Dr. Chris), he continued to enjoy life to its fullest and he spent as much time as possible with his five grandchildren. A quiet, honest, and hard-working family man of intrinsic integrity, he is now and always will be greatly missed by those of us who had the good fortune to spend time with him, even if it meant watching him consistently beat you while playing his two favorite games: dominos and conquián.

Federico was a much beloved son, brother, husband, father and "Tata." He is survived by his wife, Josefa Cabrera Fernández; his children and their spouses: Salvador Fernández & Jennifer Eich (Los Angeles), Griselda Fernández & Rafael Barboza (Indio), Maricela Fernández & Christopher Flores (Rancho Mirage), Federico & Ellen Fernández (Richmond), and Adrian Fernández & Marci Furutani (Mill Valley); his grandchildren: Rebeca, Gabriel, Freddy, Raidan and Emily; and his siblings: Jorge Fernández (Cathedral City), María Gilberta Fernández (Mexico), Lorenzo Fernández (Arizona), Hijinio Fernández (Mexico), Benigna Miranda (Los Angeles), and Pio Fernández (Los Angeles).

He is preceded in death by his parents, Gregorio Fernández (1968) and Benita Torres Fernández (2006); and his siblings: Froylán Fernández (2001); Trinidad Fernández (1986); and Abdon Fernández (2013).

All services will be held on Thursday, January 2, 2020 at Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Palm Desert.Visitation will be held at 11:00 am with a rosary following at 12:15 pm and funeral mass at 1:00 pm. Burial will follow at Coachella Valley Cemetery.

En memoria de Federico Torres Fernández. Federico Torres Fernández, a los 84 años, de Palm Desert y México murió en Palm Desert, CA el 22 de diciembre de 2019. Federico, hijo de Benita Torres y Gregorio Fernández, nació en el Centro (San Juan), Jerez, Zacatecas, México, el 2 de marzo de 1935, aunque su cumpleaños está registrado oficialmente como el 8 de abril de 1935. Federico estaba orgulloso de trabajar como "palmero" en el Valle de Coachella por más de 50 años, un trabajo muy duro, pero honesto. Era un inmigrante mexicano orgulloso de trabajar en este país, quien dedicó su vida a apoyar y ayudar a todos aquellos con quienes él se comunicaba. Federico siempre valoró mucho a su familia y más que nada les enseñó y dejó a sus cinco hijos su increíble ética de trabajo y amor por la educación. Uno de sus recuerdos favoritos de su niñez fue salir primero en una competencia escolar regional cuando estaba en cuarto grado de la primaria. De hecho, durante mucho años nos contaba su remordimiento de crecer pobre y no poder continuar sus estudios. En sus últimos días, expresó su alegría y orgullo al saber que todos sus hijos se graduaron de unas de las universidades más prestigiosas del mundo, incluyendo U.C. Berkeley, UCLA, Stanford y Harvard. Más que nada, expresó su alegría de que todos tuvieron éxito y se encontraban muy felices. Estos últimos cinco años soportó valientemente los efectos físicos causados por Parkinson's. Con la ayuda diaria y amorosa de su esposa, cinco hijos y su yerno doctor (Dr. Chris), continuó disfrutando de la vida al máximo y pasó el máximo tiempo que pudo con sus cinco nietos. Un hombre silencioso, honesto, trabajador y de familia con una integridad intrÍnseca, tanto ahora como en el futuro lo vamos a extrañar todos nosotros los que tuvimos la gran suerte de pasar tiempo con él, aunque solo fuera mirarlo constantemente ganarle a uno cuando jugaba sus dos juegos favoritos: dominó y conquián.

Federico era un hijo, hermano, esposo, padre y "Tata" adorado. A Federico le sobreviven su esposa, Josefa Cabrera Fernández; sus hijos y sus parejas: Salvador Fernández y Jennifer Eich (Los Ángeles), Griselda Fernández y Rafael Barboza (Indio), Maricela Fernández y Christopher Flores (Rancho Mirage), Federico y Ellen Fernández (Richmond), y Adrián Fernández y Marci Furutani (Mill Valle)y; sus nietos: Rebeca, Gabriel, Freddy, Raidan y Emily; y sus hermanos: Jorge Fernández (Cathedral City), María Gilberta Fernández (México), Lorenzo Fernández (Arizona), Higinio Fernández (México), Benigna Miranda (Los Ángeles) y Pío Fernández (Los Ángeles).

Le precedieron en la muerte sus padres, Gregorio Fernández (1968) y Benita Torres Fernández (2006); y sus hermanos: Froylán Fernández (2001), Trinidad Fernández (1986) y Abdón Fernández (2013).

Todos los servicios se llevarán a cabo el jueves, 2 de enero de 2020 en la Iglesia Católica del Sagrado Corazón en Palm Desert. Las visitas se harán empezando a las 11:00 a.m. con el Rosario a las 12:15 p.m. y la Misa del funeral a la 1:00 p.m. El entierro seguirá inmediatamente en el cementerio de Coachella Valley.

Remembering Federico Torres Fernandez

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In Memoriam
Marilyn Katleman
In Memoriam

Marilyn Katleman

June 3, 1932 - December 21, 2019

Beautiful and vivacious, Marilyn died from complications of Parkinson's disease on December 21, 2019.

A native Angeleno, she was born June 3, 1932 to Pauline and Ben Seewack. With her brother Larry, she grew up surrounded by loving grandparents and numerous aunts, uncles and cousins.

Her first of many acts of rebellion came on December 24, 1950 when, after graduating from Los Angeles High School, she married Tommy Simons and together they had four children. They divorced after 19 years, remaining lifelong friends, and from then on Marilyn went on to collect no shortage of colorful experiences that could fill an unbelievable book.

She was very proud of her nearly 50 year membership in SHARE, Inc.

Marilyn was predeceased by her daughter Joy in 2011 and is survived by James (Cathy), Jill, Jonathan (Wendy), grandchildren Keaton, Morgan (April), Emily (Will), Matthew, and great-granddaughter Georgia. She is also survived by her nieces and nephews, loving cousins and legions of devoted friends.

We gratefully acknowledge her wonderful caregivers who made all of our lives so much easier.

Remembering Marilyn Katleman

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Frank Anthony Kerrigan Jr.

Frank Anthony Kerrigan Jr.

August 18, 1944 - December 20, 2019

Frank A. Kerrigan, Jr., 75, passed away peacefully on December 30, 2019, in Sandy Springs, Georgia following an extended battle with Parkinson's disease.

He is survived by his wife of 49 years, Patricia Emery Kerrigan, daughter Toni Brindley and husband Roger Brindley of Tampa, FL, daughter Tracey Johnson and husband Edward of Sandy Springs, GA, son Mark Kerrigan and wife Amy of Nashville TN along with his grandchildren Kathleen Brindley, John Kerrigan, Patrick Johnson and Andrew Johnson. He is also survived by his sister Penny Jackson of La Vergne TN.

Frank was born in Nashville TN on August 18, 1944, to Frank and Margaret Quinlan Kerrigan. After graduating from Father Ryan High School, he earned his B.S. in accounting from George Peabody College, now a part of Vanderbilt University. After graduation, he served honorably as a Lieutenant in the US Navy in Vietnam from 1967 to 1969 and then two years in the Naval Reserve. After starting in public accounting, Frank began his lifelong career in corporate finance and accounting where he applied his passion for business, keen analytical skills, and well-known diligence at several companies. His hard work brought him ultimately to Ingram Content Group as Chief Financial Officer from which he retired in 2014. Frank was also a Certified Public Accountant and chose to keep his certification after retirement.

Frank's quiet demeanor belied his energy and passion for life. In addition to his professional career, he pursued several hobbies including woodworking, cooking, fly fishing, and later in life, boxing. He also loved to travel with his wife Pat and was an avid history buff. Affectionately known as "Bumpa" to his grandchildren he was always open for a fishing trip or playing with them in the backyard of his Nashville home.

Remembering Frank Anthony Kerrigan Jr.

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Marjorie F. Cowen

Marjorie F. Cowen

December 17, 1941 - December 16, 2019

Marjorie F. Cowen passed away peacefully on December 16, 2019, in New Orleans, Louisiana. Originally from Whitefish Bay, Wisconsin, Marjorie settled in Cleveland, Ohio, where she pursued her education-receiving her undergraduate degree from Ursuline College and an MBA from Case Western Reserve University-and began a successful 16-year career as an administrator and development officer at Case Western. It was also at Case Western that she met her second husband and love of her life, Scott S. Cowen. Together, they moved to New Orleans when he became president of Tulane University in 1998. Marjorie embraced her new role as senior adviser for external affairs and made sure to frequently open the President's House for her popular "salons" that showcased Tulane faculty and to host students and other Tulanians as well as members of the broader New Orleans community. She was especially proud to be given the title of First Lady Emerita of Tulane University upon her retirement in 2014. Marjorie was known for her graciousness, her sparkle and joie de vivre, and for her caring and unwavering friendship. A determined and brave woman who faced the highs and lows of life with her unmistakable humor, honesty, and spiritedness, she was a mentor and role model to many and will be remembered for her wisdom and warmth alike. She loved her family with all her heart and was an extraordinary wife, mother, and grandmother. Marjorie is survived by her devoted husband of 30 years, Scott S. Cowen; her loving children, Lisa Feldman, Tommy (Ali) Feldman, Karen (Niklaus) Feldman, and Amanda (David) Cowen Russell; her adored grandchildren, Lulu, Toby, Henry, Joey, and Mara; and her dear brother, Jim (Judy) Silbermann; as well as countless wonderful friends. Burial services in East Hampton, New York, will be private. Arrangements are being made for memorial services in early 2020 in New Orleans, Louisiana, and Cleveland, Ohio.

Remembering Marjorie F. Cowen

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Jeanne (Reynolds) Sonico

Jeanne (Reynolds) Sonico

June 20, 1939 - December 5, 2019

Jeanne (Reynolds) Sonico

In the morning of Dec. 5, 2019 Jeanne Sonico (June 20, 1939) was gently laid at the throne of her Lord and Savior. She had been afflicted for several years with Parkinson's Disease and all the complications that accompany it. She fought hard to maintain some sort of normalcy in her life.

Jeanne was born in San Pedro, CA to Olga Paine and Arthur Reynolds, a Navy seaman. On the advice of close friends who were told that the Japanese may attack California in some way Ms Paine moved herself and Jeanne to Mexico settling in Guadalajara, Jalisco. After several years they returned to the US with Jeanne speaking very little English.

Starting over in northern California they eventually came south to a warmer climate and settled first in Thousand Palms, then in Palm Springs in an area that was later annexed by Cathedral City.

Jeanne attended St. Theresa Elementary School and later, Palm Springs High School. She would go on to demonstrate a wonderful talent for swimming and diving.

It was at PSHS that she met her future husband, Dennis, who was a sophomore at the time, Jeanne was a freshman. They were separated from each other for several years but later resumed their friendship while Dennis was serving in the US Army at Ft. Campbell, Ky. They became engaged in March of 1959 and were married June 21 of same year at a little church in Clarksville, Tenn with Army buddies serving as witnesses.

Living off-base in New Providence, Tenn they raised their family in a tiny apartment and enjoyed the prospect of a wonderful life together, with their children, Michelledee and Dennis Jr.

Olga opened a small restaurant in Palm Desert named El Besame Mucho. After returning from service Jeanne became her Mother's assistant serving the many wonderful friends that so loved that tiny place and its excellent food. At home she spent many years volunteering with Scouting and aiding teachers when needed at Cielo Vista Elementary School. Over the years many children came forward to express their love for her and her gentle, kind spirit.

In 1976 Jeanne and Dennis started their own electrical contracting business, Gemini Electric, Inc and carried this on for some 35 years. When Jeanne came down with Parkinsons Dennis turned the business over to his son in order to devote extra time to Jeanne's needs. In June they celebrated their 60th.

Jeanne was preceded in death by her Mother and Father. She leaves her children, Michelledee and Dennis Jr., her grandchildren Jennifer, Nicole, Justin, Brandon, and Joshua, and great grandchildren Jason, Adrianna, Michael, Allieanna, Rafa, Jr, Alexis, Noah, and Liam, and her special cousin Mitch Poteet (JoAnn). In her 80th year she found a brother and sister she never knew she had. Arthur Reynolds, Jr and Terre Reynolds. This discovery brought her great joy in these her last days.

A memorial celebration will be announced in the near future.

Published in The Desert Sun from Dec. 6 to Dec. 13, 2019

Remembering Jeanne (Reynolds) Sonico

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Robert D Lally

Robert D Lally

July 2, 1928 - November 26, 2019

Robert D Lally, 91, born on July 2, 1928, in Norwood, MA, passed away November 26, 2019. He resided in Palm Desert, CA at the time of his passing. He was the beloved husband of Joan M Lally.

Born to John & Sarah Lally of Dedham, MA, he was the youngest of 5 children. After his service to the US Navy, Bob attended Northeastern University where he earned his bachelor's degree in Engineering in 1956. He was captain of the Hockey team and played in the very first Boston Beanpot Hockey tournament. Bob and his business partner, Dom Emello, founded Capitol Circuits and Vector Sales and prospered. Bob enjoyed golfing at Walpole Country Club in Walpole, MA and the Oasis Country Club in Palm Desert, CA. In his retirement years, he enjoyed a bi-coastal life, living between California and Massachusetts. He was an avid Boston sports fan. Bob was a loving husband, father, grandfather and friend who enjoyed spending his time with family and friends. He was a kind and generous person with a great sense of humor and will be greatly missed.

Bob is survived by his wife; Joan Lally of Palm Desert, and children; Ed Lally of Orlando, FL, Jim Lally of Chelmsford, MA, Joe & Joyce Lally of Austin, TX, Mimi Lally of Chelmsford, MA, Beth Lally of Tacoma, WA along with his grandchildren Bob, Lucy, & Rico Lally. He also leaves several nieces and nephews and very dear friends. Bob was predeceased by his siblings; Sally, Marie, John & Dick and his daughter-in-law Evelyn Lally.

In lieu of flowers, please make donations to Parkinson Resource Organization, 74090 El Paseo, Suite 104, Palm Desert, CA 92210.

Arrangements are under the direction of Forest Lawn, Cathedral City, California.

Remembering Robert D Lally

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Marcel Roland Charbonneau

Marcel Roland Charbonneau

January 16, 1932 - November 25, 2019

Rancho Mirage - The Charbonneau family announces with great sadness the loss of their father Marcel, 87, who died peacefully after a long struggle with Parkinson's on November 25, 2019. He is survived by his wife Carrie Charbonneau, daughter Debra Charbonneau, son Tim Charbonneau, son Kent Charbonneau, sister Delores Bittner, and grandchildren and great grandchildren. The service will take place January 15, 2020 at 11:00 a.m., in the Ramon Chapel at Forest Lawn Cathedral City.

Published in The Desert Sun on Dec. 5, 2019

Remembering Marcel Roland Charbonneau

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Contact Us

Parkinson's Resource Organization
74785 Highway 111
Suite 208
Indian Wells, CA 92210

Local Phone
(760) 773-5628

Toll-Free Phone
(877) 775-4111

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Updated: August 16, 2017