
Testimonials & Appreciation

Over 30 years of working with our community, we’ve developed a proven model for helping people touched by Parkinson’s to improve their quality of life. But don’t take our word for it – here’s what our members have to say about us:

Parkinson’s Resource Organization is exactly what it says: a resource. It is available for information, support, help and the ability to answer all your questions regarding Parkinson’s.  The consideration that the staff has for the caregivers, the people with Parkinson’s, and the support organizations is above and beyond what anyone could expect. We have been participating in meetings and events through Parkinson’s Resource Organization for many years now. The benefits of participation in these meetings and events is enormous. Meeting new people, having discussions with them and learning are the best part of this group. Having resources at our fingertips for everything from medical, to legal, to social is part of the sharing experiences that PRO offers all of us.

– Barbara B.

I thank God that I was able to find help through Parkinson's Resource Organization. As a result, I can't hardly wait till I'm able to join the Zooms that she has arranged for those of us to learn from each other and from the research she has done, and the experts that she brings to the table of our Zooms to make our journey through this (what has been for many of us caregivers, a very lonely NIGHTMARE!)  and as a result of the Parkinson's Resource Organization Zooms, I am NO LONGER ALONE!!!  And even beyond that, I have received so many encouraging and helpful ways to manage what in the past seemed incredibly harder than anything I've ever faced. I encourage every caregiver to give Parkinson's Resource Zooms a try. I am so grateful for the way I have been helped and hope others will give it a try.

– Dona R.

I just attended the caregiver's meeting on zoom this evening and I wanted to say thank you. It really helped to hear other people’s situations and know that I don’t have to do this alone. The past 15 months have been life-changing as well as humbling for me. Words can’t describe how having a place to receive some support will help me be a better caregiver as well as address my health issues.  I look forward to learning more in upcoming meetings and reviewing your resources on your site. Thank you again for what you do!

- Samantha

Parkinson’s Resource Organization (PRO) is a small nonprofit with a huge heart and a huge mission. As a caregiver for my husband, who battled Parkinson’s from a relatively young age, and now as a CNA in a skilled nursing facility, I have found that PRO is a resource I turn to for information, for support, and for inspiration. The newsletter is simply outstanding with articles that are both helpful on a day-to-day basis and are keeping us up-to-date on advancements in treatments. I really appreciate that the contributors to the newsletter come from various disciplines, including medical, financial, dental, and from caregivers themselves so that I get a well-rounded view of what’s going on in the world of Parkinson’s.

- ABJ 

When we discovered that my mother had Parkinson’s, Parkinson’s Resource Organization (PRO) was an absolute Godsend! I knew nothing about the disease, and they were there to help me, every step of the way. If I had a question or needed a referral, [they] answered my call or email immediately. Everyone who works at PRO shows compassion, empathy, and is always full of knowledge. No question or problem is too small, and I’ve always known how important my mother and all of us are to everyone working at this wonder organization. Thank you for your continued love and support for all those who suffer with Parkinson’s and their caregivers. You and PRO are appreciated more than you will ever know.

 - Lisa M.

I have a wife who has had PD for about 10 years. Over a year ago I discovered PRO and Realizing I needed some help and an opportunity to vent because I was getting overwhelmed by it all. I searched the web for a PD organization that held Caregiver meetings. PRO had a Caregiver only meeting and I attended. As I sat in the meeting and listened to the Host and caregivers and asked questions, I was just besides myself with excitement about finally finding an organization that had exactly what I needed. Have been attending ever since and I am still excited about the meeting where we can talk about any area of PD or the Caregiver’s stress and get good information and insight from one another. An example of this is when I talked to [PRO] about my wife’s doctor changing and increasing her medication which troubled me. She suggested a second opinion and provided the name of a doctor in my area. Since that time we have been seeing another doctor that established a plan to reduce her current medications and my wife seems to be getting back a lot of her old personality and the dementia, that really concerned me, has diminished some. All because of the support of PRO. Thanks PRO.

 -Bob M.

The Parkinson’s Resource Organization is providing support for everyone who is touched by Parkinson’s. Through the Wellness Village, the zoom meetings, through the meetings that hopefully will continue on site in the near future, it has been an amazing journey with all your help and support. Your experiences, your willingness and enthusiasm to learn and to pass your learning on to others has been so valuable in our journey. Meeting other people, hearing their stories and trying to help in any way that we can through a Parkinson’s resource organization has been the best support that we ever could’ve asked for. Knowing that others are willing to share their stories with others makes things easier for us. Thank you for being there for us.

- Barbara B.

This Non-Profit for Parkinson’s has the best resources you can have in the Wellness Village and seems to be growing everyday. The support groups are so informative that you cannot help but to be helped. Seriously, if you or a loved one has Parkinson’s and needs a resource in any area, be it balance training, or just a hug, this is the place.

- Kathleen S.

[PRO] is unique in that they are NOT subsidized by BIG BUSINESS, they are sustained by the donations and gratitude of her constituents and followers.

The Parkinson’s Resource Organization team is small and yet they answer every call and every email personally. PRO plays a vital role in the world of Parkinson’s disease. With a kind heart, commitment to serving others, and a heart dedicated to those on the Parkinson’s journey, I can’t think of another organization more deserving of recognition.

- Lynn H, Indian Wells, CA

Wow, there’s so much to learn about all things PD, and I know we’re in the right place to do so. I can already sense your passion to help PD patients and their caregivers and families as they wade through the effects of the disease, and your knowledge and experience are extraordinary. But I also see your love for each person, and your heart and your knowledge are the perfect match. Thank you ahead of time for being there for us! I look forward to what we can learn about our PD journey alongside caring and knowledgeable people like you. 

- Anonymous

Contact Us

Parkinson's Resource Organization
74785 Highway 111
Suite 208
Indian Wells, CA 92210

Local Phone
(760) 773-5628

Toll-Free Phone
(877) 775-4111

General Information


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