Category: Road to the Cure

La Jolla, CA, June 25, 2018 – ICB International, Inc., (“ICBII”) announced today that the US Patent & Trademark Office (USPTO) approved two of the Company patents. These patents protect:

  • Blood-Brain Barrier permeable Peptide Compositions
  • Use of peptide compositions for diagnosing and treating neurodegenerative diseases.

The approval of patents in the US helps ICBII commercialize its technology both in the USA and Europe. Of its ten or so patents, ICBI now has four patents approved, two in Europe and two in the US. The approved patent names and numbers are listed below:

  •     Methods for using antibodies and analogs thereof, EP 2350655
  •     Blood-brain barrier permeable peptide compositions, EP: 13000098.7
  •     Blood-brain barrier permeable peptide compositions, US 13/917,010 
  •     Blood-brain barrier permeable peptide composition, US 13/736,852

Patent prosecution is a very expensive and lengthy process, and ICBI’s patent attorneys are honing at least two more patents to be approved by year’s end. The cost of prosecuting only these four patents was more than $660,000 with the time taken for approval approximately six years. These patents substantially increase ICBII’s value and profile and also make ICBII very desirable to big pharma as a licensing or acquisition target. Additionally, with such strong Intellectual Property (IP), ICBII becomes much more recognizable by the outside world. Approval of these US and European patents have opened the doors for filing more patents in the US and Europe. 

According to Ram Bhatt, the visionary and leading scientist at ICBII, “Notwithstanding the heavy costs, of prosecuting these four patents, we continued the science that imminently leads to the reversal of Parkinson’s, and Alzheimer’s in animals.” He continued, “Thank you for your support that has helped us reach where we are today both regarding our IP and our scientific accomplishments.”

A European pharmaceutical company has stepped forward wishing to collaborate with ICBII to develop commercial products for halting/reversing Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s and MSA diseases. In a teleconference on June 12, they stated they had just recruited new employees in their neurosciences division for the sole purpose of developing biologics for treating brain diseases.

For the last couple of years, ICBII has been working with the radiology department of a Canadian University to scan the brains of mice injected with its SMART molecules. 50% of the time the shipments, including SMART molecules, were delayed at Canadian Customs making them stagnant. ICBI is excited to be working with UCSD with these collaborative efforts. ICBII is diligently raising transgenic mice and building a large supply of its Parkinson’s SMART Molecule to provide UCSD for testing the effect of chelators on the blood-brain barrier (BBB) permeability of SMART Molecules. If chelators do not retard BBB permeability, then ICBII can use UCSD’s radiology facility to scan the brain of animals as opposed to sending samples to Canada.

ICBII has developed breakthrough technology comprising of antibody mimics, referred to as SMART Molecules (SMs), to overcome the hurdles of the blood-brain barrier (BBB). The BBB is a physical barrier that protects the brain from the blood-born pathogenic. The BBB does not allow the access of nearly 98% of all pharmaceuticals to the central nervous system (CNS), which is one of the main reasons why there are no curative treatments for most of the CNS diseases. The good news is that ICBII has solved this insurmountable problem. Some of the unique attributes of SMs technology are:

  • Allows quantitation of CNS pathogenic proteins in live animals, a historic invention.
  • BBB permeability of SMs verified by a third party.
  • Engages and destroys pathological proteins in the brain of animal models of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases.
  • SMs, a platform technology with applications to brain and non-brain diseases.
  • Ready for human testing.

The Company is now seeking funds to scale up the production of its SMs for human clinical trials.

How Can You Help?

The satisfaction of being a part of this historical event can be accomplished by investing in, or finding investors for, ICBII to bring these trials to fruition. Neurodegenerative diseases are on the rise. The good news is that ICBII has developed technology that can potentially halt the disease progression and ameliorate the sufferings of patients afflicted with brain diseases, which was impossible until now. We urge you to join PRO in this humanitarian mission to fight the epidemics of neurodegeneration. Feel free to contact Parkinson’s Resource Organization; call 760-773-5628 or email IMAGINE the world without Parkinson’s, MSA or Alzheimer’s disease. JUST IMAGINE!

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Updated: August 16, 2017