
We encounter many people each day that would like to enjoy the relaxing benefits of cannabis, but simply do not have the ability or time to be slowed down during the day. Fortunately, you can count on CBD (Cannabidiol) to help solve this issue, however you must find the right product and dosage to fit your lifestyle. Learning how CBD works is a vital step to relieving your anxiety.

            Cannabis and close relatives to cannabis, hemp for example, produce a fascinating array of molecules known as cannabinoids. Cannabinoids, like THC and CBD, interact with different receptors in our body and provide a variety of effects. Recent medical studies, (such as Cannabidiol as a Potential Treatment for Anxiety Disorders, published in the Neurotherapeutics Medical Journal), have found that although CBD closely resembles THC on a molecular level, it does not provide euphoric or “high” effect. This makes CBD a perfect anti-anxiety option during your regular day to day.

            Using CBD like a vitamin supplement and getting a daily dose of the cannabinoid is the best way to find relief. Finding a CBD product that you can treat as such is key. Looking into products like capsules and tinctures will allow you to attain your daily dosage without breaking the bank.

            Now that we have gained a little understanding for how CBD works, let’s dive into finding the right product for you! There is a plethora of CBD products, ranging from tinctures that are applied under the tongue, to tasty edible treats, and even pain-relieving creams. As mentioned above, it is best to find a product that you can use each day – so product cost can sometimes play a factor. Always be sure to find a reputable brand that has put in the effort to create a reliable product. We recommend a CBD tincture, as it’s a cost-effective option that provides a consistent dose.

            When starting out with cannabis products, it’s always important to find the right dose (measured in milligrams or ‘mgs’). There are many theories of where to begin, but we have found that a good starting CBD dose is equal to ¼ of your body weight. That means a 200lb person can start with 50mg of CBD per day, and adjust up or down from there, in 10mg increments. We also recommend using a consistent dose for 7-10 days to see if that is the right amount for you. Luckily, using too much CBD at a time can only provide a little sleepiness, so you are able to test out these products and still remain effective throughout the day.

            If you would like to learn more about how cannabis works in your body might we suggest that you get in touch with The Leaf in the Wellness Village to have your questions answered by our professional and highly trained Cannabis Consultants. We are ready to help any PRO member to get more out of your day and kick anxiety on your own terms! We look forward to your stopping in or your call.

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Updated: August 16, 2017