Category: Road to the Cure


Ram S. Bhatt, PhD., Chief Science Officer

“… why hundreds of billions of dollars in global research have not produced a curative therapy.”

                In PRO’s August Newsletter we briefly touch upon the reason why hundreds of billions of dollars in global research have not produced a curative therapy for Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and other central nervous system (CNS) diseases. In the same newsletter we also committed to disclose the most probable scientific reasons for such a colossal failure (in a subsequent newsletter) and what ICB International, Inc., (“ICBII”), is doing to correct the mistakes of developing curative therapies in the science conducted by academics and pharma during the last century. 

                First, let us understand that none of us are immune to CNS disorders. These diseases affect equally and with the same severity of debilitation regardless of the color, race, religion, poor, rich, fame or no fame, social, and political status. President Reagan is one of the examples, and of recent, General Colin Powell, another. Today, we have more than 55 million Alzheimer’s patients and at least 11 million Parkinson’s patients worldwide. We believe that the real numbers may be 8-10 times higher because the numbers reported do not consider the patients from the rural area of Asian countries. The 2020 US cost of taking care of its Alzheimer’s patients (about 5.6 million) was more than $300 billion while the cost of Parkinson’s patients (~ 1.1M) was more than $34 billion. By the year 2030, these costs are expected to rise to at least one trillion US dollars, which could have a crippling effect on the US economy. The world must address the scientific challenges right now before the patient population doubles and triples in the coming years. 

Scientific Challenges, Weaknesses, and the ICBII Solution

1. The Blood-Brain Barrier (BBB) Inhibits the Entry of Drugs into the Central Nervous System

While drugs such as L-Dopa cross the blood-brain barrier (BBB) they provide only short-term symptomatic relief without slowing down and curing the disease. The drugs such as antibodies, that can potentially cure the CNS diseases, have a brain uptake so low (0.1%) that it is impossible to achieve therapeutically effective doses in the brain. Unfortunately, the scientific community ignored the fact for too long and thought they can cure brain diseases without having the drug reach the target site in the brain. Their approach has been injecting massive doses of the drug hoping to obtain higher CNS concentrations but that dream never came to fruition.

The Solution: ICBII has developed BBB permeable antibodies that have been tested and verified by third parties. This technology is protected by seven US and European patents.

2. Too Much Focus on Clearing Aggregated Proteins from the Brain of Patients

Most of the pharmaceutical companies have focused their efforts only on lessening the burden of aggregated proteins such as alpha-synuclein from the brain of Parkinson’s patients and amyloid-beta from the brain of Alzheimer’s patients despite the failure of numerous prior clinical trials that failed to improve motor function and improve cognition with drugs that targeted protein aggregation. The disease process starts 10-20 years earlier before a patient starts feeling disease symptoms, sees the doctor, and protein aggregation is detected in the brain, meaning by this time neurons have already been comprised by dysfunctional mitochondrial and axonal myelination processes. Therefore, we believe that any therapeutic approach must incorporate strategies to correct mechanisms such as axon demyelination and mitochondrial dysfunction that caused neuronal synaptic failure very early on when the disease process just begins to take place. Case in point, Biogen’s Aduhelm, an amyloid-beta mouse monoclonal antibody, like many other similar antibodies, had failed to improve cognition, which was a reason why most of the FDA advisors resigned over the controversial decision of the FDA’s approval of the drug. The bottom line is that any successful therapy for brain disorders must reach the target site in therapeutically useful concentrations and rejuvenate fundamental mechanisms and pathways that lead to motor and synaptic failure.

The Solution: ICBII has initiated projects to correct dysfunctional processes and mechanisms that damaged neurons long before the protein aggregation manifested in the brain of patients.

WOULD YOU LIKE TO HELP get ICBII’s drugs to market faster? The joy of being a part of this historical event can be had by helping ICBI find the funds to bring these trials to fruition through your investing, and by finding others with the financial ability and humanitarian mindset to accomplish the, until now, impossible. Please contact ICBI directly through their website ICBII.com or by phone 858-455-9880.

IMAGINE the world without Parkinson’s, MSA, or Alzheimer’s disease.              


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Updated: August 16, 2017