
Cautionary Note about Media Hypes ~ Frequently, there is news about breakthrough treatments for Parkinson’s or Alzheimer’s disease. It is natural for patients and loved ones to get excited about the cure after reading such news in prestigious newspapers, magazines, and social media. However, caution needs to be exercised before accepting the integrity and accuracy of what is written about such breakthroughs. At a minimum, one should read such news very carefully word by word and discuss with their physicians. As an example, two years ago, one of the biotech companies gave a press release saying that the test results of its Parkinson’s drug were excellent in their Phase-1 clinical study because 1) The drug was well tolerated and #2) The drug lowered the serum levels of alpha-synuclein. To most ordinary people, this is good news leading to a belief that drug is beneficial in providing a cure for Parkinson’s disease. Unfortunately, that was a very misleading press release because lowering of a pathogenic protein in serum does not mean the drug lowered the pathogenic protein in the central nervous system where it matters the most for neurodegenerative diseases. So, please exercise caution while reading this hyped news and always discuss with your doctor.

            ICBII Update ~ San Diego Biotech Company, ICB International, Inc., (“ICBII”), has generated a smaller version of its Parkinson’s drug that, according to preliminary studies, may be given orally rather than intravenously. Drugs that are given intravenously are usually given in the doctor’s office for the patient’s safety, but it does involve time and money for the office visit. The Company (ICBII) is very hopeful that, one day, it can make immunotherapy orally possible, which will be a historic accomplishment because so far, immunotherapy is given intravenously.

            The most promising of technology for reversing or curing Parkinson’s disease is still represented by the ability to permeate, breach, or break through the Blood-Brain-Barrier. ICBII remains the only biotech in the world whose technology 1) can cross the blood-brain-barrier without targeting vital receptors on the blood-brain barrier and 2) can target and destroy the plaques that create the symptoms. Moving this technology from the laboratory to the people is our objective as we continue looking for the funding to accomplish this huge humanitarian effort

            Update on Pharma Collaboration ~ As The Company is now undergoing a third round of negotiations with the pharmaceutical company. We are still hopeful that soon, there will be a meeting of the minds.

            WOULD YOU LIKE TO HELP get ICBII’s drugs to market faster? The joy of being a part of this historical event can be had by helping ICBI find the funds to bring these trials to fruition through your investing, and by finding others with the financial ability and humanitarian mindset to accomplish the - until now - impossible. Please contact PRO or ICBI directly through their website http://icbii.com/ or by phone 858-455-9880.

IMAGINE the world without Parkinson’s, MSA, or Alzheimer’s disease. JUST IMAGINE.


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Updated: August 16, 2017