Category: Road to the Cure

The San Diego Biotech Company (SDBC) is continuing its efforts to speed up the development of diagnostics and therapeutics for Parkinson’s disease.

1. Dr. Anna Cartier, the SDBC’s newly hired PhD neuroscientist, formerly from Dr. Masliah’s laboratory at UCSD, has been working hard to familiarize herself with all aspects of picotechnology. Dr. Cartier, who joined the SDBC on October 1, has made great strides in advancing SDBC’s efforts to develop non-invasive diagnostics and therapeutics for Parkinson’s disease by:

a) Recognizing the need of establishing the in-house capability of lodging and producing transgenic mice models, which will allow the SDBC to test its picobodies for Parkinson’s targets in a fraction of the time compared to what it takes when the testing is done at

UCSD. In order to establish transgenic mice models in-house, Dr. Cartier is reaching out to national and international investigators to acquire such transgenic mice. Like any new process, establishing strains of transgenic mice models has its own challenges, which Dr. Cartier is confident to overcome shortly.

  1. b)  Leasing a nearby vivarium to age such mice and conduct the necessary in-vivo experiments.
  2. c)  Identifying key pieces of equipment needed to carry out the in-vivo experiments with transgenic mice.
  1. The SDBC has begun producing LRRK2 picobody on a scale large enough to conduct pharmacokinetics, biodistribution and toxicity studies.
  2. Likewise, the SDBC is scaling up the generation of alpha-syn picobody to finish all the preliminary testing.
  3. The SDBC has ordered a Vibratome from Leica Microsystems. However, the Company is still shopping for a line of credit to buy a Confocal Microscope and a PET Imaging System, both of which will cost around $550K.
  4. Have added some resources to scale up the production of picobodies but not nearly enough to go full force.
  5. The SDBC received a visit from a senior business executive from a world-renowned; Michigan based Research Institute on October 2. The contract language has been discussed and agreed upon by both parties and the collaborative documents are now in the hands of the Institute’s attorneys.
  6. The SDBC is working with an Investment Banking Firm to refine its documents to help raise needed capital to accomplish its business and scientific goals. This investment firm has an outstanding credential to raise funds for its clients.
  7. Dr. David Stout, UCLA, has given SDBC the green light to help the company with its PET imaging needs. A formal contract is being drafted. The SDBC is determined to develop a method for an early diagnosis (not screening) of Parkinson’s disease and monitor the effect of therapy by using non-invasive PET imaging technology. Since the picotechnology has already been scientifically demonstrated to breach the blood-brain barrier into the central nervous system where it targets pathological proteins, the SDBC is now focused to apply this technology to patients as soon as possible.


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Updated: August 16, 2017