
As an adult child whose parents lived 3,000 miles across the country from me, I understand and know all too well what it is like to get a call that one of them is in the hospital. Trying to get a clear understanding of the situation at hand, making sense of what friends or family are trying to tell you about the health condition of your loved one can be at best frustrating, if not deeply concerning.

It is difficult enough to see the doctor who is treating your loved at the hospital when you are physically there, let alone trying to reach them on the phone to obtain updates and treatment plans when distance and other obligations (family, work) make it almost impossible.

In situations like this, a Board-Certified Patient Advocate can be very helpful by providing critically needed patient advocate services that will bring a peace of mind and assurance to the family who is living a long distance away from their loved one. 

A Board-Certified Patient Advocate can:

  • Provide bedside service while your loved one is in the hospital or rehabilitation center.
  • Communicate with you and other family members regarding the plan of care and provide updates of treatments being prescribed.
  • Help you understand your loved one’s diagnosis, prognosis, treatments, medications, and procedures being ordered.
  • Research and identify other treatment options and help family members obtain second opinions when requested.
  • Research and identify appropriate care facilities, home health care agencies, caregivers and the costs and insurance coverage options.
  • Coordinate and attend doctor appointments with your loved and take comprehensive notes during the appointment.
  • Coordinate transition from hospital discharge to home or to an appropriate care facility.


If you or someone you know finds yourself living a long distance away from a loved one who is having health issues, a Board-Certified Patient Advocate is here to help. 

Cindy Johnson, Patient Advocate Agency just joined the Wellness Village December 7, 2020. 

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Updated: August 16, 2017