Recent Developments in the Treatment of Parkinson’s Disease



Ram S. Bhatt, PhD., Chief Science Officer

Recent Developments in the Treatment of Parkinson’s — Considering the global effort to develop disease-modifying therapies for Parkinson’s over the last 4–5 decades with a budget probably in excess of tens of billions of US dollars, it was disappointing to read in one of the most recent publications (Lee et al., Neuro-immunology and Neuroinflammation) dated January 2021 that “There was no known cure for Parkinson’s”.  It seems wealthy individuals, pharmaceutical companies, and foundations have been giving funds to a selected few individuals at the elite universities even knowing that those researchers have produced nothing useful with the prior funding. Worse yet, these scientists overlooked a fundamental issue that a central nervous system disease cannot be cured if the drug does not reach the intended target in the brain. It is appalling to think these scientists continued pursuing approaches day after day that failed to stop, slow down, and/or reverse the disease progression.   

Why Such a Colossal Failure? This monumental failure has been due to the inability of the scientific community to appreciate the hurdles of the blood-brain barrier (BBB), a physical barrier that protects our brain by restricting the entry of foreign substances such as viruses, bacteria, parasites, cancer cells, and nearly 98% of all pharmaceutical drugs. The scientists tried solving the problem of the BBB impermeability by injecting more drugs into patients assuming more will diffuse into the brain, but that did not happen; instead, the higher doses caused sides effects such as brain inflammation and bleeding.

    The second, perhaps, an equally important reason for the failure has been the focus of the entire scientific community to only clear aggregated proteins from the brain of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s patients. While this was a very logical approach, cognition and motor dysfunction did not improve in patients treated for several months, though the plaque burden (aggregated protein) was attenuated. Recent pathophysiological studies have shown that the neurons and motor function is compromised 10–20 years before the protein aggregation shows up in the brain. Therefore, scientists at ICB International, Inc., feel that without rejuvenation of biological processes and mechanisms that result in neurons death early on leads to cognition and motor function decline; clearance of aggregated proteins alone will not improve patient health and well-being.

    Next month, we will report what ICB International, Inc. is doing to correct prior art deficiency to develop curative therapies for the first time ever for Alzheimer’s and Parkinson's.

    ICBII is in preclinical studies for Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s diseases.

    WOULD YOU LIKE TO HELP get ICBII’s drugs to market faster? The joy of being a part of this historical event can be had by helping ICBI find the funds to bring these trials to fruition through your investing, and by finding others with the financial ability and humanitarian mindset to accomplish the, until now, impossible. Please contact ICBI directly through their website or by phone at 858-455-9880, or contact PRO for an introduction to the scientists.

    IMAGINE the world without Parkinson’s, MSA, or Alzheimer’s disease.          


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Updated: August 16, 2017