
December 29, 2012

Medication Copay Assistance

The Assistance Fund provides financial assistance to children and adults who are critically or chronically ill, including those diagnosed with Idiopathic Parkinson’s Disease. We...

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December 29, 2012

Parkinson's Recovery Summit 2013

Ever wonder whether it is possible to reverse the symptoms of Parkinsons Disease? The 2013 Parkinsons Recovery Summit is a golden opportunity to learn more...

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December 1, 2012

The Feldenkrais Method®

The Feldenkrais Method® is a form of movement re-education that reawakens the body’s awareness of what is healthy. Feldenkrais is designed to improve movement and...

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November 3, 2012

The Gyrotonic Expansion System®

One of the major challenges that people with Parkinson’s face is a struggle with movement quality and specificity. The complexities of movement fluidity and...

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November 3, 2012

Self-Help Estate Planning

Many people do their own estate planning with the use of inexpensive self-help computer programs and downloads from the internet. While many of those...

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November 3, 2012

November is National Caregiver's Month

On November 22, 1997, former President Clinton signed the first presidential proclamation (Proclamation 7055), in recognition of National Family Caregivers Week. Since 1997, every president...

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Contact Us

Parkinson's Resource Organization
74785 Highway 111
Suite 208
Indian Wells, CA 92210

Local Phone
(760) 773-5628

Toll-Free Phone
(877) 775-4111

General Information


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Updated: August 16, 2017