Category: Road to the Cure

Watching the science on the ROAD TO CURE PARKINSON’S, in order to excel the development of diagnostics and therapeutics for Parkinson’s disease, the San Diego Biotech Company (SDBC) we’ve been reporting on since the beginning of the year is implementing the following:

1) Effective October 1 the SDBC hired a PhD neuroscientist, Dr. Anna Cartier, PhD. Doctor Cartier, among other major scientific accomplishments, received her Postdoctoral Fellowship from Dr. Eliezer Masliah, UCSD School of Medicine, with whom she worked from 2008 through 2010. Dr. Cartier characterized the function of UCH-L1 in synaptic pathology in Parkinson’s disease-like models of a-synucleinopathy using mouse models and molecular, biochemical and cellular assays and confocal microscopy. She also investigated molecular mechanisms involved in the pathogenesis and selective vulnerability of neurons in cellular models of Parkinson’s and Dementia with Lewy-Body diseases using primary cortical and hippocampal neurons in culture, molecular and cellular assays and confocal microscopy.

2) The SDBC rented additional lab space to establish processing of brain tissues in-house to study and optimize targeting of Parkinson’s pathological proteins in an animal model. Collaboration with UCSD has been very useful in validating the Company’s Blood-Brain Barrier Permeable technology but was not as efficient as they would like due to the priority of collaborator’s own projects; however, Dr. Eliezer Masliah will continue to be a project advisor.

3) The SDBC rented a vivarium (Latin, literally for “place of life” — an area, usually enclosed, for keeping and raising animals or plants for observation or research) to house Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s transgenic mice.

4) They are making arrangements to acquire necessary equipment, such as: a Vibratome, Confocal Microscope and PET Imaging System. Confocal Microscope and PET Imaging Systems are big ticket items with price tags of/or greater than $250K per item.

5) The SDBC has begun adding resources to scale up the production of picobodies; however, not enough to go full force yet.

6) The contractual arrangement with a major Michigan based Research Institute is being created by and between both parties. Collaboration with this major Research Institute could help excel the development of therapeutics for Parkinson’s disease significantly in light of the state-of-the-art scientific equipment this institute has, as well as its very big neurology department which is already engaged in Parkinson’s research. Representatives from the institute are visiting the SDBC October 2nd for continued collaboration.

7) If you were a sophisticated investor in biotech companies you understand the value and importance of the interest by major pharmaceutical companies for licensing and distribution. Last month the SDBC was visited by a senior Merck Executive. The Merck Executive plans to set up meetings with their top scientists and the SDBC. Such meetings have not yet been scheduled.

Thus far, the scientific community has nothing but praise for what a small SDBC has accomplished with so few dollars, which the big pharmaceuticals have not been able to accomplish even after spending billions of dollars. The SDBC is very thankful to the Angels who, to date with their investments, have helped its scientific efforts.


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Updated: August 16, 2017