Category: Newsletter

We love to talk about the importance of healthy eating for those living with Parkinson’s. The topic frequently comes up at our weekly support groups and monthly Newsworthy Notes Newsletter. So, we were excited to receive a call out of the blue from Aman Batta, owner of the local franchise Nékter Juice Bar. 

Aman has his own personal connection with Parkinson’s. His father battled a Parkinsonism before passing away recently. To celebrate the Grand Opening of his new Nékter Juice Bar off the 10 Freeway on Jackson Street in Indio, California, and to honor his father, Aman offered to donate out of the proceeds of the day to Parkinson’s Resource Organization. 

At the Grand Opening we set up a table with information about Parkinson’s and talked to community members about the services we provide, as they made their way into Nékter to try a range of fresh juices, bowls, and smoothies with names like “The Greenie” and “Immunity Bowl.” 

PRO volunteer Diana, who assisted with the event, reports that the Toxin Flush is delicious, with just the right amount of ginger.

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Parkinson's Resource Organization
74785 Highway 111
Suite 208
Indian Wells, CA 92210

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(760) 773-5628

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Updated: August 16, 2017