National Friendship Day 2021


On the first Sunday in August, National Friendship Day encourages people across the country and world to connect with friends. Make a new friend or reconnect with an old one. 

Friendships come in many forms, and we begin developing them when we’re very young. Throughout our lives, friendships and their meanings evolve. Our classmates and neighborhood pals explored the world with us. Together we shared experiences and made plans for the future. Eventually, paths diverge and new friends find a place in our social experience. Our world expands and our culture changes. 

With each new friend, we expand our view of the world. Their experiences contribute to new meaning in our lives. Through friendships, we grow and broaden our horizons. Eventually, the world becomes smaller and more connected. 


HOW TO OBSERVE #NationalFriendshipDay

Celebrate the friends you have and the new ones you have yet to meet!

  • Get in contact with your friends for a chat or visit.
  • Accept an invitation to meet new people. You might make life-long friendships you didn’t know could exist.
  • Share a memory with old friends to spark a fun conversation.
  • Tell your friends how much you appreciate them.
  • Challenge your circle of friends to share an experience they think none of your other friends have had. You’ll discover new things about your friends and find out just how unique each of them is. 
  • Mail a card to your friend. (It was the original goal of the day.)

Post on social media using #NationalFriendshipDay to encourage others to connect with each other.

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Updated: August 16, 2017