Message from the President - September 2022

Category: Message From The President

September is a very important month for me, for many reasons. Perhaps the largest is that this year marks seven years with a clean bill of health after colon cancer, a result I came to without chemo, but with endurance, life changes, support from everyone, and the Grace of the Universe. 

It takes tremendous support and a team: family, friends, confidential advisors to keep your spirit high, motivate you, navigate life’s details and guide you during difficult times of traumatic change and struggle. PRO is your support team.

If you’re new to the Parkinson’s world or have been on the Parkinson’s journey for years, we know the value of support and understanding and are here for you. We offer private consultation, multiple support groups, a wealth of information on our website and resources dedicated to your “Quality of Life.”  You are not alone!     

Every month PRO brings you topics of interest and invaluable information. Enjoy our Newsletter and review all the pages on our website, there are answers to questions you may not have even asked yet as well as inspiring stories to brighten your day. 

This month you should want to check out UPDATE ON THE ROAD TO THE CURE on this page. Other neat articles are: HOME INSTEAD SHOWS SUPPORT WITH A $4,500 GRANT on page 2; HOW TO FIND A THERAPIST WHO’S RIGHT FOR YOU on page 3; OMBUDSMAN: OMBUDS WHAT? on page 4; LONG TERM CARE AND THE MILITARY on page 5; A BRISKET WITH A PURPOSE: PRO’S INAUGURAL COOKING COMPETITION on page 6; WE SHARE MORE THAN PARKINSON’S also on page 6, and; A COMMUNITY THRIVES: Fundraising Challenge Update, BITS AND PIECES: a testimonial, and ROSES FOR ROSEN, all on page 7.

Thank you. In addition to donating, join us in becoming a key part of our efforts, contact us to “Get Involved” at Without YOU, we could never do all that we do. 

Until next month, REMEMBER Labor Day on the 5th, Patriot’s Day on the 11th—join us at the Belmont Car Show on September 11th—start of Autumn on the 22nd, and Rosh Hashana starts on the 25th. The flowers are the Aster & Forget-Me-Not, and the Birthstone: Sapphire. 


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Updated: August 16, 2017