
April is a very spiritual month again this year, as I have acknowledged at the bottom of this message, but it also happens to be PARKINSON’S AWARENESS MONTH! I’ve been aware of this disease every moment of every day of every year for the past 29 plus years. People with Parkinson’s, their caregivers and families are aware of Parkinson’s every minute of every day. Parkinson’s Resource Organization is too. Being aware is one thing, outwardly demonstrating your interest and support for those dealing with Parkinson’s gives all of us hope and energy. Supporting our efforts to ease the pain, the struggles and unbelievable heartbreak felt by so many is the fuel that keeps us going and fills our hearts with overwhelming gratitude. We applaud you and appreciate you as you join a walk, a run, a bike ride or whatever activity is in your neighborhood and know we are right there with you raising awareness of a world of dear people hanging on by a thread, seeking hope and help from us at PRO and you, our supporters. It begins with AWARENESS and continues with ACTION…Thank you, thank you for raising your voice and stepping up.

           This month, for our outward awareness program, we celebrated our 3rd Annual Mitch’s Pitches PRO on April 7th. We are sharing with you some of the pictures in our CENTERFOLD together with an article from the Press. Please go to the PRO website as well as our Facebook page and see the excitement we had at and surrounding the event. Palm Springs even named April 7th JO ROSEN DAY, can you imagine?

           To give you hope, enlightenment and helpful information to use in your quest for “Ultimate Quality of Life” enjoy the PROvocative UPDATE ON THE ROAD TO THE CURE; Our other PROvocative and informative news is DEVELOPING TREMOR-SUPPRESSION TECHNOLOGY TO HELP PEOPLE WITH PARKINSON’S;  HOW WEARABLE DEVICES HELP SENIORS STAY SAFE AT HOME.

           Join us in making a difference in your life, or the life of a loved one this MONTH by donating. Supporting us is simple: Make monthly donations through our safe PayPal donation page at or mail your donation to our office in Palm Desert, CA. 

           Until next month, REMEMBER April Fool’s Day on the 1st, Palm Sunday is on the 14th, file your TAXES on the 15th, Good Friday on the 19th,  Passover starts on the 20th,  Easter Sunday on the 21st, Earth Day on the 22nd, Arbor Day on the 26th, and Passover ends on the 27th. and The flowers are Daisy, and Sweet Pea and the Birthstones are Diamond and Crystal. You might also take note that April is National Poetry Month. We would love to receive your favorite poem. ALWAYS remember to CELEBRATE YOU and PRAY FOR OUR TROOPS! 


Jo Rosen

Founder & President

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Parkinson's Resource Organization
74785 Highway 111
Suite 208
Indian Wells, CA 92210

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(760) 773-5628

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(877) 775-4111

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