Message From The Executive Director (January 2025)


Welcome to 2025! I always get a little rush of excitement at the turning of a new year. It’s a blank slate... a chance to be a better version of myself, to clean out the stale clutter and unfinished projects of the last twelve months. 

This year, this brand new year, has promise. I’ll be on time to everything, I’ll hit all my deadlines and eat all my vegetables. I’ll be infinitely patient, endlessly kind, and a dirty dish will certainly never spend an overnight in my sink. 

Unrealistic? Maybe? But it’s optimistic, and I think that’s the point. A new year, a fresh leaf, a blank slate. Regardless of which metaphor rings true, the point is to believe in the flexibility of the human spirit. We get another chance to imagine our best self and to make a few small (realistic) moves towards meeting that self in the real world. 

I hope you’re gentle on the imperfect real you that carried you through 2024. And I hope you’re forgiving on the imperfect real you that will carry you through 2025. But I also hope you take the time to set a few goals for yourself. Maybe your goal is to join one PRO exercise group a week... you can join for a live class or catch the recording on our YouTube channel. Maybe your goal is to meet new people... we have a Social Club for that. Maybe your goal is to bring additional support into your home as you navigate Parkinson’s... give us a call or check out our Resource Directory to get started!

Meanwhile, we’re focused on our primary goal... working so no one is isolated because of Parkinson’s. This year we’re bringing more educational programming your way, expanding our partnerships with service providers and collaborators in the Parkinson’s world, and developing a rich agenda of socialization events to connect you with each other. 

Don’t miss our February 8th Parkinson’s Today Symposium with The Michael J. Fox Foundation. It’s a free event, but RSVP in advance to reserve your seat. And if you can’t make it in person, you’ll be able to catch every panel—and the highlight reels—online after the event. 

In the meantime, remember what I said about being gentle on yourself? And hopeful? Keep that in mind as we enter the New Year. Thank you for being part of our community. I am grateful to enter 2025 with each of you by my side.  

Now read on for:

Magnesium and Parkinson’s

Together in Parkinson’s Podcast

PRO Social Club!

Caregiver Crisis in America

Stepping Outside Your Comfort Zone with PassToPass

Food As Medicine: Diet’s Role in Parkinson’s Disease

Meet the Pro Team


Always remember to Celebrate You and Lead With Love. 


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Updated: August 16, 2017