Category: Road to the Cure


John looked out the window, remembering better days. He could smell the scent of freshly baked banana nut bread and hear the laughter of his children when they ran out of the kitchen with their mother’s apron over their heads. He could see her smile as she walked into the room, handing him the first piece of bread, just out of the oven. He remembered the long walks they used to take and the time they spent talking about… anything at all. The thing is – John now has to take those walks alone. Unfortunately, his wife, Lilly, who suffers from Parkinson’s, can no longer walk, her speech is inaudible and her memory appears to be failing.

Does this story sound familiar? Or does it connect with you, your purpose, and passion in life to help others who may be going through something similar?

   The bad news is that to date, central nervous system diseases such as Parkinson’s (PD) and Alzheimer’s (AD) have affected the lives of some 55M individuals worldwide… with no cure and no hope in sight.

   The good news is that scientists with ICB International, Inc. (ICBI) are on the verge of changing this… forever! Could you imagine a world where diseases such as Parkinson’s (PD) and Alzheimer’s (AD) are no longer heard of? What would it feel like to mention these words to someone and have them ask you, “What is that?” If you are like many, you may think this is just a goal scientists have and that any hope of a cure is too far-fetched. If billions of dollars have already been spent with no result, why think it’s possible now? We want to share the answer to that question with you and include you in this life-changing movement. Here’s the update…

ICBI, was founded with the sole mission and purpose of helping to alleviate human pain and suffering due to diseases such as Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s. Their dedicated scientists have been working tirelessly to do so and are just now ready to be the first to succeed in this area. To date, one of the main reasons for the lack of progress in resolving brain disease is due to the physical barrier, known as the blood-brain barrier (BBB), which prevents most of the pharmaceuticals from entering the brain. Drugs such as Levodopa, that do cross the BBB, only treat symptoms for a short-while without halting the disease progression.


To overcome this centuries old problem of breaking through the BBB, ICBI has developed a technology referred to as SMART Molecules (SMs) technology. This technology has been proven to work in live animals to:

  1. Detect pathology of Parkinson’s disease
  2. Halt the progression of Parkinson’s

This is huge! Think of what this could mean for our loved ones. This means that ICBI has successfully found the solution. They just now need to find a way to begin human trials.

What Needs to be Done for Human Testing?

For human testing, ICBI needs to scale up the production of its drug using a process known as cloning. By cloning, we do not mean that we will be cloning people or animals, rather cloning is a known and well established hands-on technique that is very involved. It’s a way to reproduce the effective elements of the drug. This allows ICBI to be able to produce the drug for human trials in quantities that will really make a difference.

That said, ICBI needs to hire a group of scientists to start the cloning experiments, which may take anywhere between 9 to15 months. An additional 4-5 months are needed for large scale production, purification, and validation of the cloned drug by replicating some of the previous experiments.

Following the cloning procedures, ICBI will submit an IND application with the USFDA for studying the drug in humans. At this point, it will be available for human trials and eventually, will be available for anyone who currently suffers from Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s… and eventually other similar neurological diseases.


ICBI technology solves the BBB issue… it works!

Technology is validated by third parties (i.e., not just enthusiastic claims)

Diagnostic and therapeutic efficacy demonstrated in animals (i.e., all are ethical and monitored studies)

Need to scale up the production for human use (involving the cloning process and hiring more scientists)

This technology has the potential to end human suffering caused by neurological diseases such as Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s… not just treat the symptoms.


The joy of being a part to this historical event can be had by helping ICBI find the funds to bring these trials to fruition through your personal, including your IRA investment, and/or by finding others with the financial ability and humanitarian mindset to accomplish the, until now, impossible. Please contact Parkinson’s Resource Organization 760-773-5628, or, or by contacting ICBI directly through their website, or by phone at 858-455-9880.

IMAGINE a world without Parkinson’s or Alzheimer’s disease. Just Imagine.

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Updated: August 16, 2017