Join us for the 4th Annual PRO on the Move
Category:Exercise with purpose
More than just a walk! Parkinson's Resource Organization celebrates Parkinson's Awareness Month with the 4th Annual PRO on the Move 'Walk, Ride, or Roll'. Together, passionate supporters (like you) help raise awareness. This volunteer-led experience unites communities in the Coachella Valley and across the country to celebrate Parkinsonians, remember lost loved ones, and raise funds to improve the lives of people with Parkinson's and their families through resources, education, and support.
What is PRO on the Move?
Glad you asked! Teams compete to raise money and design their own method of movement. In previous years we've had walkers, golfers, and window shoppers! To create your team, you just need to gather a few friends, register your team, and spread the word to your family and friends. You can join an existing team, choose from the options on the sign-up form, or create your own. There is a $25 registration fee to participate, but you act as your own fundraising engine for this event. Once you register, email your friends and family, post on social media, and ask your community to donate to support your efforts! Download our PARTICIPANT WALK KIT for helpful resources. Happy walking!
Parkinson's Resource Organization could not advance the mission without the passionate support of people like you! There are now more ways than ever to join PRO on the Move and connect with others in your community impacted by Parkinson's, and every dollar raised fuels our efforts to fulfill our mission: working so no one is isolated because of Parkinson's.
Who are you walking for?
Parkinson's is rapidly affecting millions of people across the globe, many of whom are people we know and hold close to our hearts. Honor their journey by uploading a picture of your team or loved one and tag it #PROontheMove on Instagram. We will be posting submissions on this page and featuring them on our Facebook and Instagram (@parkinsonsresourceorg) to show our support and stand with you in solidarity.
Got Questions?
We've got answers. Give us a call at (877) 775-4111 or email us at
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A Special Thanks to our Sponsors: