
Imagine shopping in the grocery store and suddenly you start to freeze up. You cannot move. It feels like it is a couple minutes, in fact, it is only a couple seconds. This is one of many symptoms that people with Parkinson's experience. Parkinson's disease is a degenerative and progressive neurological condition There is a chemical in the brain, dopamine, that controls the body’s movement. When a significant amount of dopamine is lost other symptoms like tremors, slowness of movement (bradykinesia), tiny handwriting (micrographia), and in the future, jerky, uncontrolled movements (dyskinesia) appear. I met a woman with Parkinson’s who gave the best definition I have yet to hear of Parkinson’s. To paraphrase her, “With Parkinson’s one minute you can barely walk across the living room floor and the next minute you are walking into the grocery store." Motor fluctuations from Parkinson’s made it necessary for me to go on long-term disability.  

            There is a lot going on in the Parkinson’s community---medical research, fundraising, confidential support groups, Parkinson’s organizations, exercise classes, and the list goes on.

            Quality of life is something we all strive for. Jo Rosen, the founder, and president of the Parkinson's Resource Organization (PRO) is seeing to it by "Working So No One Is Isolated Because of Parkinson's." Jo is one of+ the most tenacious and determined people I have met. Based in CA, Jo is so up on all things Parkinson's. When she knows someone is in need whether it be medical, legal, or financial, Jo is there with her resources. You may wonder why I, in Pennsylvania, am so jazzed about Jo. Besides her information-packed website (www.parkinsonsresource.org), she has Zoom support group meetings called Village Meetings with guest speakers, meetings for "Partners in Care," and Round Table meetings for People With Parkinson’s and their families. Either by phone or computer, it is the next best thing to being there. 

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Parkinson's Resource Organization
74785 Highway 111
Suite 208
Indian Wells, CA 92210

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(760) 773-5628

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(877) 775-4111

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Updated: August 16, 2017