Emergency Preparedness


Overview: National disasters like wildfires, hurricanes, power outages, and floods can wreak havoc on everyone’s health and safety, and people with Parkinson’s face unique challenges. In these situations, efficiency and preparedness make all the difference – take critical steps today to prepare for future disasters. 

Medication & Provider Information – Maintaining your regular medication regimen is critical. In advance of extreme weather, take inventory of all medications and reorder as needed. Contact your doctor or pharmacy to maintain at least a week’s supply of medication in advance of extreme weather. Create a list of your medications (name, dosage, times taken, prescriber and contact information, etc) and store this document in a safe place. Additionally, make a list of your doctors, including your pharmacist, primary care provider, neurologist or movement disorder specialist, etc, along with their contact information. It may be helpful to send the information to a family member or friend and save it in the Notes app of your phone or in your email in case you need to evacuate or seek medical care. 

Survival Kit – In the event that you need to evacuate or lose power, it’s important to have a survival kit prepped in advance. A survival kit should include: 

Water: 1-2 gallons per person, per day. Stock a two week supply at home, and prepare a three day supply for evacuation. 

Food: Non-perishable foods with a long storage life and little preparation are ideal. Ready-to-eat canned meats, fruits and vegetables, protein bars, dry cereal, dried fruit, peanut butter, and canned juices are recommended, along with crackers and low-protein foods to take with your carbidopa-levodopa. 

● Make sure you have tools to prepare your food (can opener, camp stove, etc).

Assistive Devices: Include eyeglasses, hearing aids and batteries, walker, cane, etc.

Personal Documents: Prepare copies of personal documents including your driver’s license, passport, insurance cards, and medical documents. 

Tools: Flashlight, radio, cash, mobile phone and charger, lighter, etc.

List of Local Resources: Prepare a list of emergency resources and phone numbers (Red Cross, local shelters, hospital and urgent care, friends and loved ones). 

Evacuation Plan – Sometimes national disasters or local emergencies require you to evacuate your home. In addition to your survival kit, be sure to bring your medication list and

medication labelled bottles, your medical alert bracelet (if you have one), and documentation and charging devices for medical devices like a Deep Brain Stimulator. Organizations that can assist you during an evacuation include: 

FEMA.gov: Lists local information about disasters and emergency management measures. Search by state to find relevant information for you. You can review your state’s emergency preparedness plan in advance of a disaster as well. 

American Red Cross: Call 800-733-2767 for information on local shelters.

Partnership for Inclusive Disaster Strategies: This 24/7 hotline helps people with disabilities and the elderly find safety. Call 800-626-4959 for information and support with medical equipment and supplies. 

RxOpen.com: Provides information on the operating status of healthcare facilities and pharmacies impacted by disaster. 

Power Outage & Overheating – Power outages particularly affect people with Parkinson’s who are susceptible to overheating and rely on chargeable medical devices. To prepare for and get through a power outage: 

Know What’s Coming: Familiarize yourself with your power provider’s outage alert system. Enroll in email, text, and phone alerts. 

Generators & Batteries: Consider investing in a generator and charge backup batteries in advance. Never use a gas generator inside a house. 

Ice Chests: Invest in a few coolers and stock up on ice in advance of an expected power outage to keep perishable foods and medication cool. 

Fall Prevention: In the event of a nighttime power outage, reduce the risk of falls by leaving flashlights strategically throughout your home. Check batteries regularly.

Avoid Overheating: Hydrate frequently, exercise thoughtfully (early morning and evening) or reduce your activity to keep your body temperature down. 

Monitor for Heat Stroke: Flushed face, high body temperature, headache, nausea, rapid pulse, dizziness, confusion. Go to the nearest emergency room or urgent care if you are experiencing heat stroke. 

Conclusion: To stay safe in an emergency or extreme weather event, prepare in advance, track local guidelines, and do your best to minimize interruptions to medication. 


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