Coffee and the Parkinson's Patient


While drinking coffee with caffeine each day does not appear to reduce sleepiness among people with Parkinson’s disease, it may have a benefit in controlling movement, according to new research published in the August 1, 2012, online issue of Neurology®, the medical journal of the American Academy of Neurology.

H1X1 Super Concentrate

You may be wondering just how beneficial coffee or any other product infused with the Agaricus Blazei or H1X1 could be and why should you care? It’s a logical question.

Dr. Daria Davidson, M.D., the Chief Scientific Advisor of VidaCup says, “H1X1 Super Concentrate is a name that does little justice to the incredible health benefits of this wonderful component of every serving of each VIDACUP product. In a brief sentence, it has the ability to make your life better by directly supporting healthy Immune function. It doesn’t push your immune system, it fortifies your own capacity to modulate or adjust your natural mechanism to maintain robust health. H1X1 Super Concentrate is the newest and most exciting advancement to the continuing story of a remarkable, and patented, hybrid of the acclaimed Agaricus Blazei mushroom, native to the high country of Brazil and known there as the MUSHROOM OF LIFE, a seemingly appropriate name. The potency and purity of H1X1 Super Concentrate places it in a unique and beautiful class of its own.

Exclusive, worldwide licensing rights to this highly potent extract of the H1X1 strain of Agaricus has been awarded to VIDACUP. Here’s to your good health, today and every day.”

Agaricus Blazei is ranked #1 by Tokyo University National Cancer Center Laboratory and Tokyo College of Pharmacy.

In the landmark study, Agaricus Blazei was compared to the most commonly used “Medicinal Mushrooms” in Traditional Chinese Medicine. The research community was shocked to find that of the 15 species tested, Agaricus Blazei and the top 14 traditional mushrooms, the most powerful was Agaricus Blazei (Agaricus) and the least was Ganoderma Lucidum (Reishi), even when the Reishi was given at three times the dose of Agaricus .

Named H1X1 in the lab, this patented mushroom has much higher levels of beta glucans, enzymes, and other life enhancing nutrients than other health supporting mushrooms.

You probably know people who say they never “feel good” or they frequently deal with pain or discomfort. Maybe they always struggle to maintain a healthy blood sugar level or acceptable cholesterol levels. As we grow older there are definitely more health concerns, but if we find ways to improve and maintain our health at an earlier age – we have the advantage over people who wait to do something, until they have serious health concerns.

Below are some of the health benefits that have been seen in people using Agaricus Blazei. Millions of people struggle with these health concerns each day. Many take various medications or struggle with unusual dietary restrictions to try to stay healthy or to maintain a reasonable level of well-being.

General Health Benefits  of Agaricus Blazei

  • Improve and Aid in Maintaining Diabetes
  • Improve Overall Quality of Life for Diabetics
  • Decrease Emotional and Physical Stress
  • Decrease and Lower Cholesterol Levels
  • Effective Anti-Oxidant Properties
  • Improve and Stimulate Your Immunity
  • Peptic Ulcer Prevention
  • Can Be Used as an Anti-carcinogen
  • Osteoporosis Prevention
  • Improves and Heal Digestive Problems
  • Improves Circulatory Problems

These are many of the basic benefits you can experience by using Algaricus Blazei. There are a wide variety of possible health benefits that are shared in other articles. Remember that each person and their health are different, and each person will respond to the benefits of Agaricus Blazei in different ways.

Parkinson’s Resource Organization learned about other IMPORTANT HEALTH FACTORS involved in a specific coffee called VIDACUP and in addition to the above article PRO has launched representation of VIDACUP products on our website, making healthy coffee available to people with Parkinson’s, as well as people who drink coffee and want to drink a healthier brand. Go to the Wellness Village.

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