2019 Accomplishments As We Look Forward




2019 Accomplishments As We Look Forward

By: Ram Bhatt, Ph.D., CEO

Scientific Update

            The year 2019 ended with a bang as we very recently successfully cloned and tested the variable antigen-binding (Vab) domain of our SMART Molecule for Parkinson’s drug. Vab is the actual brain of our drug (SMART Molecule) that seeks, detects, and destroys the pathogen in the brain of animals, which they should do the same in patients. In collaboration with an outside laboratory, we demonstrated that the cloned Vab did not only cross the blood-brain barrier into the central nervous system (CNS) but also reduced the levels of the toxic protein, alpha-synuclein, that was responsible in causing Parkinson’s disease in the mice.

            Significance of the cloned drug (Vab) The FDA does not allow animal-derived drugs to be used in humans for fear of toxicity and irreproducibility. Since our drugs are derived from animals, it is mandatory for ICBII, like other pharmaceutical companies, to clone the drug so that it is one pure antibody than a mixture of thousands of antibodies (drugs) that animals generate.

            Potential Revolutionary Medical Applications of the Cloned Vab Amazingly, the Vab domain itself has therapeutic efficacy similar to that of our full-length SMART Molecule that is about 3 fold bigger in size than the Vab. For example, the treatment of Parkinson’s mice for 8 weeks with our Vab reduced the levels of toxic alpha-synuclein in the brain by 39%, similar to the reduction obtained by the full-length SMART Molecule. More importantly, due to the stability of the Vab in a very low pH of stomach and proteases of the gut, we feel that Vab might one day revolutionize the treatment of brain disorders by oral intake at home rather than intravenous administration, which is the case with every antibody-based therapy. By the way, AS OF TODAY, there is no antibody-based treatment for neurodegenerative diseases because antibodies have very poor brain uptake.

            Free Marketing ICBII was honored to be featured in Forbes and Roots Analysis in 2019. We expect this public exposure of ICBII’s technology to implant good seeds for short- and long-term business success.

            Financial Outlook Going forward, ICBII’s financial outlook seems brighter than ever before. The Company is talking to multiple parties to raise several million dollars. We are hopeful that one of these groups will invest enough funds in ICBII that may be adequate to take 1-2 drugs all the way through phase-2 human clinical trials.

            ICBII management thanks its shareholders for continued support and wishes you all a Very Happy Holiday Season and a Successful New Year.

            WOULD YOU LIKE TO HELP get ICBII’s drugs to market faster? The joy of being a part of this historic event can be had by helping ICBI fund the driving of these trials to fruition through investing, or by finding others with the financial ability and humanitarian mindset to accomplish the - until now - impossible. Please contact PRO at 760-773-5628 or info@Parkinsonsresource.org or by contacting ICBI directly through their website http://icbii.com/ or by phone 858-455-9880.

            IMAGINE the world without Parkinson’s, MSA, or Alzheimer’s disease. JUST IMAGINE.

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Updated: August 16, 2017